The Producers’ Market

In Lourmarin, every Tuesday from May to October, from 17:30 to 20:30, at the Fruitière Numérique,
Is held the Market of Producers where you can get supplies of local products from organic or reasoned agriculture.
Goat and sheep cheeses, fruits, vegetables, olive oil, honey, fruit juices, poultry, jam, wines ….
From 18:30, the attraction of the market: Street Kitchen. A Chef of the Luberon shares his know-how by realizing before your eyes a culinary creation worked with fresh seasonal products in the respect of a traditional agriculture. The realization of the recipe is followed by a tasting.
The Producers’ Market has become one of the unmissable rendez-vous of conviviality in Lourmarin. You can enjoy a glass of wine or share a bottle with friends around a local fresh melon or one of the wonderful cheeses you have chosen on the market stalls.
The festive atmosphere of this improvised bar is very popular on sunny days and it’s better to arrive not too late if you want to find a seat!
And if you cannot wait until May, the market of local producers is already waiting for you in March and April …
So, note already on your agendas this weekly event awaited by all with impatience!
Nanou e Tatiana
Les Maisonnettes de Lourmarin
Rue de la Juiverie
84 160 Lourmarin (France)
+33 6 83 06 79 75
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